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ACHR en francaise   False pedigree pour chien eliberee par ACHR   Ministere Roumain de Nourriture et d Agriculture   OUVREZ LA LETTRE Nr 18085 16 08 2000   Standard FCI dans la part de CNCCRACHR english page   About Cristian Stefanescu   About Petru Muntean   Article from Nine oClock 14 10 2005   Article in USA press   False pedigree registrated and eliberated by ACHR   Note of Minstry of Agriculture 2000   Official adress to the Romanian Gouvernament   The Guardian article 1999ACHR in deutche page   OFFIZIELLER STANDARD DER RUMANISCHEN HIRTENHUNDE MIORITIC      Der false pedigree   Order 17176   PAARUNGS WURFVERTRAGAnaliza Ministerului Agriculturii   Scrisoare Deschisa a consilierului Ministrului AgriculturiiArbitrii autorizati pentru rasele de caini ciobanesti romanesti   Arbitrii CNCCR   Corpul de Abitrii ACHR      Cristian Stefanescu      Munteanu PetruArticole de presa   Arta and Entertainment 15 07 2005   articol 9AM news 2005   Articol Adevarul 2003   Articol Agro Business 2009   Articol Banateanul 2005   articol despre omologarea ciobanestilor romanesti 05 05 2005   Articol din Ziua si Evenimentul Zilei 1999   Articol Editie Speciala Craiova 2009   articol Evenimentul Zilei 03 12 1998   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 10 01 1999   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 2004 omologarea internationala a ciobanestilor romanesti   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 26 martie 1999   Articol Gardianul 2004   Articol Iasi 26 04 2004   Articol in presa americana in anul 2000   articol Jurnalul National decembrie 2006   Articol Libertatea 04 04 1999   Articol Libertatea 11 04 2005   Articol Libertatea 23 04 2003   articol Lumea Animalelor 1994   Articol Monitorul 2010   Articol Presa Online 2007   Articol Presa online Iasi 2007   articol Prieteni fara grai 1998   articol Prieteni fara grai 2-1998   Articol revista Lumea   Articol Romanian VIP USAAsociatia Chinologica a Municipiului Bucuresti ACHMB ACHRCartea de Origine Romana COR ACHRCiobanescul Romanesc Carpatin ACHR   Defecte explicitate la carpatin      Defecte de cap la carpatin      Defecte de culoare la carpatin      Defecte de osatura la carpatin      Defecte de prezentare      Defecte de talie la carpatin   falsuri inregistrate in pedigree   Metisi de carpatiniCiobanescul Romanesc Carpatin CNCCR   Galeria Campionilor Carpatini   linii de sange pe 3 generatii fara consangvinizare   Modele de pedigree   STANDARDUL OFICIAL AL RASEI CIOBANESC ROMANESC CARPATINCiobanescul Romanesc Corb ACHRCiobanescul Romanesc Mioritic ACHR   caini campioni la ACHR   falsuri in pedigree   Metisi de mioriticCiobanescul Romanesc Mioritic CNCCR   Galeria Campionilor Mioritici   linii de amelioratori genetici la mioritic   Lista liniilor pe 3 generatii cunoscute fara consangvinizare   Modele de pedigree folosite   STANDARDUL OFICIAL AL RASEI CIOBANESC ROMANESC MIORITICCiobanescul Sud-Est European ACHR   pedigree falseComunicat de presa CNCCR ACHRDefecte explicitate la mioritic   Defecte ale cozii la mioritic   Defecte de culoare la mioritic   Defecte de osatura-mers-etc la mioritic   Defecte de talie la mioritic   Intretinere si prezentare defectuoasa a robei mioriticului      perii si metode de toaletaj la mioritic   Lipsa parului pe cap si pe labe la mioriticEuro Dog Show 2012Evenimente si expozitii chinologiceFalsuri in documentele oficiale ale ACHR   pedigree false gresite si incompleteFederatia Chinologica Internationala FCIIstoricul Asociatiei Chinologice din Romania ACHROmologarea raselor nationale la FCI

membru din 5 April 2012

About Cristian Stefanescu

FCI All Breeds Judge
Adress: C.P.165 – O.P.12
Bucuresti 014750 Romania

President of the Romanian Kennel Club
Languages: English & French
Studies: lyceum
Profession:turner in metal
Occupation: Executive Manager of the ACHR.
Incomings: Monthly salary 2.000 euro payed fom the taxes ask by ACHR to the breeders, members,associations, etc without incomings from his participations at contests as a referee.

Breeder/owner of the English Cocker Spaniel & American Staffordshire Terrier ( this breed is one of the dangerous dog breeds mentioned by the Romanian law,and it is a fighting dog breed according to this law)

- in 1986 he was meeting with kenneling activities as a member of illegal asociation settled in Bucharest,Popa Tatu,61, named ACHMB
- from 1990 till 1996 he was working as cashier and secretary of ACHMB
- in the same period of time ( 1990-1996) was also secretary of Romanian Union of Independent Chinological Associations UACHIR.
This UACHIR eliberated around 20.000 false pedigree with sigla and name both of International Kenneling Federation FCI and ACHR and stamped also with name UACHIR. His salary was payed with moneys resulted from this illegal activities and from his position he encouraged the breeders to ask and to pay for this false pedigrees.The roumors say that the real number of this false pedigrees it was around 40.000 pieces at a price of 10 deutche mark= 7 euro today)
Nobody do not know where this money realy go,after de reunification of UACHIR with ACHR from 1996.
- in the same period was elected as president of Bucharest cocker club section of illegal ACHMB and as referee for this breed and others,acting in the contests organized by UACHIR.The payments for this contests was never taxed by the state due to to undecleard of them both by UACHIR and himself.
- in the period of time when the Ministry of Justice from Romania declared that ACHR with the official settlement in Calea Mosilor, Bucharest and with mr. Vasile Maier as a president it is the official association in Romania till the court was registrated other sedium and leader (around 14 month)he was continuing to named , acting as a referee,etc in the name of illegal part declared by the court as non ACHR.Due to his illegal activies in the kenneling field in this period of time more than 20.000 pedigrees must be cancelled, more than 3000 contests results must be eliminated from the pedigrees,thousands of titles have to be retired.
- despite he was delegated to be in the board of the ACHR from the illegal association named ACHMB, after he was elected as president of the ACHR he take the decision to exclude this ACHMB from the ACHR members motivating his decision like this:"ACHMB it is not a legal association,registrated at Ministry of Justice!"
- Qualifications: All-rounder since 2005
- Judgement appointments in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Letonia, Lituania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldavia, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, U.S.A.
- Important Events: Royal Championship of Melbourne-Australia, Autumn Festival of Adelaide-Australia, Australasian Top Ten, Central Eastern European Cup, Eurasia-Moscow, FCI European Dog Show Helsinki, FCI World Dog Show Poznan, FCI European Dog Show Zagreb, Championnat de France Lyon, FCI European Dog Show Budapest, Bundessieger Dortmund, Europasieger Dortmund, FCI European Dog Show Ireland, FCI World Dog Show Bratislava, Eurodogshow Kortrijk, Finnish Championship & Nordic Winner Helsinki, FCI World Dog Show Denmark, FCI World Dog Show Paris, FCI European Dog Show Netherlands.
- Specialty shows: Dogo Canario-Warsaw,Poland, Cane Corso-Genova Italy, Dogue de Bordeaux-Speciale-Amiens, Collie Rough – Germany, Toy dogs, Gun Dogs, Championship of Belgian Royal Club of Sighthounds.

- President of the Romanian Kennel Club (since 2005)
- Honorary President of the Romanian Club of Toy Dogs
- Founder and president of The Metropolitan Bucharest Kennel Club

- Chairman of the Organizing Committee FCI European Dog Show Bucharest-2012 - Chairman of the Organizing Committee of International Dog Shows Bucharest - Member of the FCI Judges Commission - Member of American Dog Show Judges Association - Member of National Geographic Society & Lomographic International Society - Colaboration in several dog magazines, seminares and lectures about dog breeding, conformation, breeds and regulations

- Golden Medal of the Romanian Kennel Club - Golden Medal of the Hungarian Kennel Club

Mobile: +40 723 537312, Fax: +40 318 165998, email: boyofdracula@yahoo.com
Stefanescu Cristian
Stefanescu Cristian

Comentarii album • 1
sebiamir 25 July 2012  
Esti dovada concreta ca majoritatea celor care s-au ocupat de cresterea cainilor/inmultirea lor si care au iesit in fata, sunt niste iresponsabili, niste impostori si psihopati. Esti dovada concreta ca nu ai nici un discernamant si esti rupt de realitate. Oameni ca tine au iesit in fata si ati facut de ras rasele romanesti. Cum un psihopat ca tine ar putea sustine vreodata un punct de vedere?? Cum un psihopat ca tine ar putea convinge vreodata pe cineva ca o idee e buna sau rea?? Esti o scursura a societatii si un om fara capatai... Imi este scarba ca in preajma unor rase atat de frumoase sunt niste mizerabili si niste bolnavi psihici ca tine...
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